Blog & Podcast

Teen Driving Contract
parent teen driving contract.pdf
I really like this contract with Safeco. It outlines expectations and consequences, and even touches on what things

Why an Indepedent Agent
Why an Independent Agent?
Not all insurance agents are the same! Choosing the right one can make a big difference – in price, service,

Are you up to speed on boat safety?
With spring in full bloom and summer just on the horizon, prime boating season is upon us. And you might notice more people on the

Do you want rental insurance with that?
Do You Need Rental Car Insurance?
Maybe you’ve been here before. You’ve flown out of DFW or Dallas Love to a fabulous

April Showers Bring May… Leaks in your roof
Welcome to Texas, the state which can likely have every season in one day. And spring weather can bring some amazing rain storms.

Hit the Road with the Right RV Coverage
RV Coverage
As the Summer time rolls in and the sun begins to peak through the clouds, of the DFW area, there are sure

Don’t Clark Griswold Your Roof with Staples
Christmas lights are going up early this year!! It seemed like many just bypassed Thanksgiving and went all in for the big day in December.<br

How Inflation is Driving Up Home and Auto Insurance Costs By: Jeff Encke
01/18/2022 By: Jeff Encke, courtesy of Safeco. Home-related trends: higher building materials costs and a skilled labor shortage
If you’ve shopped at Home Depot

How your Personal Liability on your Home Covers You
Personal Liability Coverage on Homeowners.mp3 Click here to listen to the full podcast
Phillip Washington: I appreciate you and given the demographic

Travel Insurance in the Covid Era
Below is an excerpt from podcast Wealth Building Made Simple
between Phillip Washington of Stone Hill Wealth

Kidnap and Ransom Policies
This is an excerpt from the Podcast, “Wealth Building Made Simple”.
So, we were

Where is my golf cart covered?
A golf cart policy is it’s own policy, not a part of the auto policy. It is most similar to a motorcycle policy. What happens

Golf Cart Liability issues and traps
Why you may have no coverage when you rent a golf cart… and how to get it.
Mental Health Awareness Month
1 in 5 people will experience mental illness this year. Help is out there! Your personal doctor can point you in a direction for help!

How to get the Marriage Discount on an Auto Policy
The marriage discount can make a significant impact on auto insurance premiums. You don’t have to be married to get the discount, however. Many carriers

3 Key things to know about Insuring Art
If the value of Art, like Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder ….how do you insure your art when the value is so