How You Can Save Money with a Teen Driver

Do you have a teen driver in the making? You can read the below or just watch the video. Thanks! 

Here are 5 tips to navigate the road with your new teen driver.

1.  Set expectations with a teen driving contract. 88% of teens admit to multitasking behind the wheel. Motor vehicle deaths are the leading cause of death among teens.

2.  Expect it will be expensive. Double or Triple what you pay now.  Talk to your teen about it. Tickets and accidents make it even more expensive. They need to know how the insurance process works. 

3.  New cars cost more .  The teen driver often affects everyone’s rates, not just them or the car they drive. If you buy a new car and give your teen your old car, or if you give your teen a new car, you can expect your rates to go even higher.

4.  Keeping the teen on the parents policy usually costs less. Parents often have better records, with multiple policy, multiple driver, and marriage and occupation discounts. Teens can have driver training and good student discounts.

5.  Shop around ahead of time. We shop and plan years ahead since some carriers give a loyalty discount when the teen drivers come on.

We’re happy to review and shop your coverages for you, too. Give the Gibb Agency a call. We are here to help you and your teen prepare for the road ahead.

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