Sharonda Green, a former financial analyst, now thrives as a tenacious and independent private investigator based in Dallas. Sharonda has carved out a niche for herself and founded her own investigative firm. Here, she dedicates her efforts to safeguarding individuals and ensuring the well-being of the community. In The Susana Gibb Show, she offers insights into her intriguing journey as an investigator, shedding light on the diverse range of clients she assists and the compelling cases she explores. She has lots of stories about all the cases she has to take around the area and how she continues to give back to the community of Garland. Furthermore, she delves into the mysterious realm of the dark web, regaling us with tales of her discoveries and the hidden facets of this enigmatic digital underworld.
To check out Sharonda’s business please check out: OR call 1-844-I-GUARD-U
To check out our podcast with her please see: